Article: Multicar brake testing using WSPER for CAF SA
DB ESG’s Wheel Slide Protection Evaluation Rig (WSPER) laboratory is globally recognised as one of the most effective and objective methods for optimising and demonstrating the performance of rolling stock braking systems, specifically Wheel Slide Protection (WSP). CAF approached DB ESG to conduct multivehicle WSPER testing of a B23 5-car (10 bogie) unit. They required emergency friction only brake operation for a 5-car train testing across a range of adhesion conditions, as well as incident scenario analysis.The brake demand signal was hardwired, eliminating the need for any software development of the WSPER system, which is often required for emulation of dynamic braking or service brake messaging.
Work Undertaken by DB ESG
- Interface harness preparation work was carried out to ensure correct interfacing between WSPER and the brake system. The test hardware was upgraded to accommodate the additional car enabling the 5-car simulation
- The 5 vehicle models were constructed based on information provided by CAF and integrated into a single unit model for testing purposes.
- The 5 th rig pneumatic module was constructed in cooperation with the brake manufacturer KBRS.
- Dry rail tests were conducted and validated against track test results, confirming that the 5 WSPER modules accurately represented the unit.
- Low adhesion testing was performed, beginning with incident testing.
- A formal report was created and submitted to the customer.